Platoon is a gripping war movie that was released on December 24, 1986, based on the experiences of its director, Oliver Stone, who served in...

  • Three Amigos

    The Three Amigos, released December 12, 1986, is a comedy film that tells the story of three silent film stars who are mistaken for real-life heroes...

  • Back to the Future

    Back to the Future is a classic film that was released in 1985 and has become an iconic movie of its time. The movie follows...

  • Highlander

    Highlander is an iconic 1986 movie that has garnered a cult following over the years. The movie follows the story of Connor MacLeod, a Scottish...

  • That Was Then, This Is Now

    Based on S.E. Hinton’s novel That Was Then, This Is Now, follows two juvenile delinquents that  find themselves growing apart, with one of them maturing,...

  • Maximum Overdrive

    In the early 1980s, Stephen King was at the height of his powers. In addition to writing bestselling novels, he was also a successful screenwriter,...

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