Lifeforce (1985)


Alright, let’s zoom back to 1985, when hair was big, music was loud, and sci-fi movies were, well, out of this world. Enter “Lifeforce,” a film that wasn’t just a flick; it was a galactic adventure that had us gripping our popcorn extra tight.

“Lifeforce” is like a space opera on steroids. Picture this: a group of astronauts discovers a mysterious alien spacecraft hidden in Halley’s Comet. But it’s not your typical “E.T. phone home” deal. These aliens are vampire-like creatures that bring chaos to Earth. It’s like “Dracula” meets “Star Wars,” with a dash of horror that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Now, let’s talk visuals. “Lifeforce” was a feast for the eyes. The special effects? Mind-blowing for the ’80s. We’re talking about a time when CGI was just a twinkle in Hollywood’s eye. The space scenes, the alien ship, those life-sucking vampires – it was all so freakishly cool.

But here’s the kicker: “Lifeforce” wasn’t just about space vampires wreaking havoc. It had depth, exploring themes of life, death, and what lies beyond our understanding. It made us ponder big questions while we were busy being entertained.

Sure, “Lifeforce” had its cheesy moments – what ’80s movie didn’t? But that’s part of its charm. It’s a nostalgic trip to a time when movies were bold, daring, and didn’t take themselves too seriously.

Why does “Lifeforce” still rock? Because it’s a blend of sci-fi, horror, and pure adrenaline. It reminds us of a time when movies took us to places we could only dream of. “Lifeforce” isn’t just a movie; it’s a time capsule of ’80s awesomeness, a testament to the wild and creative spirit of the era.

So, if you’re craving a dose of ’80s sci-fi madness, “Lifeforce” is your ticket to an unforgettable cosmic journey.

Lifeforce [New Blu-ray] With DVD

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as of May 7, 2024 1:52 am

LIFEFORCE 1985(4K Ultra-Blu-Rays) Theatrical & Director's cut W/ Slipcover NEW

$36.95  out of stock
as of May 7, 2024 1:52 am

Lifeforce (1985, Tobe Hooper) DVD NEW

$14.90  in stock
as of May 7, 2024 1:52 am

Lifeforce (Steelbook) (Blu-ray, 1985) Director's Cut

$32.99  out of stock
as of May 7, 2024 1:52 am

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