• Small Wonder

    Small Wonder is an American television show that first aired in 1985, during the height of the 80s craze for sci-fi sitcoms. The show follows...

  • Golden Girls

    The opening theme of Golden Girls, a popular 80s TV show, reflects the show’s fun, optimistic and upbeat nature. As the jazzy tune plays, we...

  • The Fall Guy

    The Fall Guy was a 1980s television show that followed the life of Colt Seavers, a Hollywood stuntman who moonlights as a bounty hunter. The...

  • Cagney & Lacey

    Cagney & Lacey firs aired on March 25, 1982 and was an iconic show that depicted the lives of two female police detectives working in...


    Family Ties is a popular American television series that first aired in 1982 and ran for seven seasons until 1989. The series follows a liberal...

  • Bosom Buddies

    Ever wish you could ditch your problems and move in with your best friend? That’s the basic set up for Bosom Buddies, a sitcom that...

  • Miami Vice

    Miami Vice was a popular American television series that aired on NBC from 1984 to 1990. The show followed two vice detectives, James “Sonny” Crockett...

  • The A-Team

    The A-Team is a classic TV show from the 80s that was re-released on January 23, 1983. The show follows a group of four former...

  • MAGNUM, P.I.

    Magnum, P.I. is an American television series starring Tom Selleck as Thomas Magnum, a private investigator living on Oahu, Hawaii. The series ran from 1980...

  • The Cosby Show

    The Cosby Show is an iconic sitcom that ran from 1984 to 1992 and starred Bill Cosby as Heathcliff Huxtable. It was one of the...

  • Perfect Strangers

    Perfect Strangers was a popular 80s sitcom that featured the unlikely friendship between two distant cousins, Balki Bartokomous (played by Bronson Pinchot) and Larry Appleton...

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